(By: Sylvi Sunbeam)
April 15, 2012 at 3:48 PM
Let it be known in every nation and among all peoples, let it ring from every mountain top, every hill top, every tree top, every building top and every housetop, let it echo from every valley and every plain, let it be heard on every street and in every alley, let it be heard upon every seashore and every river bank, that there is a great Seer Prophet among us whom the Most High GOD Yahweh Elyon Yeshua has raised up. Is he not filled with the wisdom, knowledge and understanding of Yahweh Elyon Yeshua?
Let the heavens and the earth rejoice and bow down before the Most High GOD EL, for He is worthy to be praised and worshipped. Is Yahweh Elyon Yeshua not “speaking once again utterablely” and through His Seer Prophet to His people in the earth? Are not all those who are hearing His Voice and the voice and teachings of His Seer Prophet not marching on from victory to victory, “new heights they are gaining every day?” Are they not travelling upward and onward to the holy Mount of the Most High Yahweh Elyon Yeshua, as they follow the Living Light that guides them up the Mountain where they are given the “Living Water and the red Wine to drink, and the Living Bread” to eat of Yahweh Elyon Yeshua that gives eternal life?
Let the people repent and seek the Face of Yahweh Elyon in prayer; did He not promise if His people will humble themselves and pray, He will hear from heaven and heal their land? (2 Chronicles chapt.7:14). Is there not a “culture of praying and fasting people” who are rising up in the earth and proclaiming a fast before Yahweh Elyon for the “grooming” of their spiritual being (mind, souls and spirit)? It is not time to prepare our hearts, souls and our minds to receive Him and the New Divine Logos? Is Yahweh Elyon and His Son Yeshua not knocking at out heart’s door, our mind’s door and our spirit’s door waiting to come in? Are we going to invite Them in, so that they can come in and give us the “conversion and transformation” of mind, soul and spirit and make into a new creation?
Let the people rejoice and be glad with singing and dancing for is not the DAY of Yahweh Elyon Yeshua upon us? A Day of “full Truth, true living Light, perfect Wisdom and Deliverance” A Day of Salvation, Healing, and Victory? Has not the Great Arch Angel Michael and his warrior Angels triumphed over the rebel Lucifer and his evil angels? Have they not thrown them down to the ground and defeated them? Is the false one not thrown down? Is Lucifer not fallen from heaven ( Isaiah chapt.14), conquered and defeated? “ Now is come salvation and strength, the Kingdom of our GOD El, Yahweh Elyon and the power of his Christ (Yeshua).”(Revelation chapt.12).
Will not the earth be completely free from all unrighteousness, evil, wickedness, uncleanness, perversion, corruption, hatred, violence and war? I say yes, because the earth belongs to Yahweh Elyon Yeshua. “…He has founded it upon the seas and established it upon the floods (Psalms chapt. 24). “SING unto Yahweh Elyon Yeshua a NEW SONG, for He has done marvellous things; His right hand and his holy Arm has gotten Him the victory!!!” (Psalms 98): Yahweh Elyon’s “right hand is glorious in power…” (Exodus 15:6) The “Captain of Yahweh Elyon Yeshua Army” in the heavens has prevailed. Is the “Arch Angel Michael not winning and is victorious in all his battles?” Is the Arch Angel Michael and his Angels not rising up and standing up and doing great battle in the heavens and the earth? Is this not Yahweh Elyon Yeshua’s Day and Time?
So, let it be know among all nations and peoples of the earth, that Yahwe Elyon Yeshua the Most High GOD El, has raised up a great Seer Prophet in our midst, one who represents Him. Does he not stand for righteousness, justice and peace? Will Yahweh Elyon Yeshua, not set righteousness and justice and order in the earth?
Let the people of Yahweh Elyon in the earth call upon the NAME of great powers: YESHUA!!! YESHUA!!! YESHUA!!! For the DAY of Deliverance for Yahweh Elyon Yeshua’s people is here! Listen to His Seer Prophet whom He has raised up and you shall flourish in mind, soul and spirit; you shall soar far beyond the stars, because the Most High Yahweh Elyon Yeshua will take you where you have never gone before, to the “higher heights and deeper depths” that are in Him.
Let us raise our hands, our voices and our hearts to Yahweh Elyon the Most High GOD El, our eternal Heavenly Father and Creator of heaven and earth, and to His only begotten Son Yeshua, in thanksgiving, worship, glory, praise, adoration, blessings, honour and respect, because He is giving us the “New Divine Logos, the agape love,” hope and “peace that passes all understanding.” He is giving to us the “true Living Light, full truth, perfect wisdom and deliverance” and the victory!!! Bless His holy name, praise His holy name Yahweh Elyon Yeshua.
By: Sylvi SunBeam



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