“TNDL: Message of clarity……received from the Eternal Father in Heaven, El Elyon. Mercy to the children of Israel given by Moses through the God of Israel, El Shaddai vs fullness of agape (love) grace and truth given by Yeshua Emmanuel, the spotless lamb of GOD. Mercy, in contrast to fullness of agape love, grace and truth, are two different things. Mercy is that which a Judge gives to a person or a people, when they are found guilty by the Judge for a crime that was committed. The Judge may then grants clemency by having mercy on the person or people. In the gospel of john, Yeshua, the Hebrew Messiah, came with the fullness of agape (love) grace and truth; Gospel of John Chapt. 1, 2, 3. Yeshua, the Son of the Eternal Father, is the only one who had the fullness of these three attributes. The new Moses, which the Moses of ancient Israel predicted that would come, was Yeshua. He came as the Salvation of the whole world, not only for the Children of Israel, but Gentiles as well. He was crucified for the sins of the world, paying the debt that was owed. He redeemed us by his great sacrifice on Calvary’s cross. John 3:16 says: ‘For GOD so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believe in him should not perish, but have everlasting Life. These things are what EL-ELYON WANTS ALL HUMANITY TO KNOW.” TNDL

