“TNDL: THE HEAVENLY LION HAS RISEN TO BRING SECURITY TO ALL PEOPLE OF ELYON/YESHUA.The new Heaven and new Earth will be the place where the Lion and Lioness, along with their Pride can hug and play with affection and agape love for each other. At that time, the earth will be filled with the knowledge, wisdom and understanding from the Most High GOD as water covers the Sea (Micah Chapt. 4 and Jeremiah Chapt.31). Rejoice!!! and be glad, because better days are coming! Remember to join us in our weekly prayer assembly (Fridays from 7–8 pm), as we make the Circle of the Great Archangel Michael around the Earth for its cleansing and purification by the Divine Eternal Father. In the name of Yahweh Elyon Yeshua, The New Divine Logos.’’ TNDL



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