J. K. Woods
1 min readMar 20, 2023


The Montanist embraces the teachings of the twelve Apostles of Yeshua. Revelation chapter 12 tells us the true Church went into hiding during the Middle Ages. While in hiding, the apostate church rose up — a church that appears Godly, but is not truly of Yahweh El-Elyon. It believes not the true teachings of Yeshua, or it pretends to believe, but will not obey. And so, the Neo-Platonist Christians embraced false teachings, fables and philosophies presented to them by St. Augustine, who reconciled the philosophies of Plato with Yeshua’s teaching. (TNDL)

In a revelation, I saw that Lucifer, Ba’al, Samael, Azazel and other fallen Angels and agents, have caused great havoc in the apostate false Church. The head of their Neo-platonist, Monophysite perverted Church embrace and practice homosexuality and lesbianism, leading the ignorant and uninformed into great error. They have departed from the faith of full Truth of Yahweh Elyon Yeshua into a lie (See Romans chapt. 1). They have also placed their gross dark evil forces in the Church, which overshadowed the true living Light that Yeshua the Lamb, brought from His eternal Father to earth. (TNDL)

