J. K. Woods
2 min readDec 13, 2022


TNDL: “THE THREE PARTS OF A HUMAN BEING are the significance of body, the soul and spirit, according to Yeshua of Nazareth and Paul. In Matthew 10; 28, Yeshua of Nazareth said to his disciples, Do not fear those who kill the body, but fear Him who can kill both body and soul.” The New Testament Greek word for soul is the Mind ((Psychic). Paul, in Thessalonians 5; 23, explained clearly the three different parts that make up the human being which is: spirit, soul and body. In the New Testament, the word for soul is ‘Penevma” or psychic. The spirit is the highest spiritual part of the triune parts of man. Then, lastly, is the body which is made from the dust of the earth. Therefore, the human being is separated into three individual parts that are different from each other.Each exists in its one world, or realm or dimension.Which beg the question, we who are physically alive in a body, do we know in what realm, or dimension, our spirit and soul is in? Though we may not know, or not aware of where our spirit or soul is, one thing is sure. The Son of man knows where they are, and he will send his Angels to gather them; and the bad, for their righteous judgment in the last days. Daniel 12 speaks about these things. also Mathew 25; 31–46, and Revelation 22. The spirit which is the highest part of a human being, an entity of a divine nature and understands the deep of higher things of its Creator. In the Genesis I;1–10, the Creator and Maker put part of Himself in the first man, Adam. then, later made a garden and removed from outside the garden, and placed inside this significant place called Eden. Much Agape (Love) and peace.”

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