“Yes Indeed, there are millions of modern end-times Christians, who do not emphasize the significance of the infilling of the Holy Ghost as was promised by Yeshua of Nazareth in the gospel of John 14:12–18, but they push the Bible to the seekers of full truth, not knowing that the New Testament was not configured until the second-century ad of the common era, of which the bible has been copied over 500 time; some addition of things, changes and some of the biblical Theologians or scholars took out, because it did not fit their doctrinal view. However, the Holy Comforter or (Paraclete the helper) Yeshua said he will ask the eternal Father to send his true disciples and followers. They, the unspiritual sets, don’t speak about nor have received him.The Bible is a good book, but it was made by a group of imperfect men, whereas, the Holy Ghost is a part of God and he is called by Yeshua, the Divine Spirit of Truth and he cannot lie. But the servants of Lucifer or Satan, the Devil, lie, because their father is the father of all lies. John 14:12–18 tells us about them, they don’t keep the sayings/words of Yeshua, they make up their own doctrines. THIS IS WHAT YESHUA SAID ABOUT A LOT OF THESE FALSE TEACHERS AND PREACHERS: ‘In vain do they worship me, teaching for their doctrines the commands of men.’ Matthew 15:9 and Mark 7. However, Lucifer Satan, is not more powerful than Yahweh ELyon Yeshua Lord Michael, the New Divine Logos (WORD) of Revelation 19:12.The Son of Man is starting the end times New awakening of the mighty Holy Ghost Joel 2:1–18 and Ezekiel 37:1, and Isaiah 42:1.This outpouring of the Father’s own Spirit shall revolutionize His entire Church and bring changes that will cause people to wonder. Many will Fear GOD, the Creator, and give Him glory, praise, thanksgiving, honor and much respect for His holy Name. The infilling of the Holy Ghost is real and true, more than anything man has made. Much Agape (Love) and peace. (TNDL)”

