“TNDL: Is fame, fortune, validation and power worth more than your soul? Many [worldly] and wise people have spent all their lives accumulating vanity and elite status, only to discover at the sunset of their life, it was not worth it and they can lose everything.

This reminds me of Yeshua’s parable (over two thousand years ago) of the person who build his/her house on sandy ground, and the storm came and washed the foundation away, because the house was not structured on a solid foundation. This parable is still valid in our time; and so, I ask you: is gambling your soul for that which perishes worth it? Further, what is your soul worth in contrast to your earthly fame, fortune, validation, elite status and power? Are these things not a lost cause?

Our soul has the opportunity to be with Yeshua Moshe if we choose Him and his ways. Have you ever wondered what the soul is? Well, the soul is the software of your being, your miniature Kosmos. Hence, the soul is lifeless without the life-giver, who is Yeshua Moshe, the New Divine Logos.”

Copyright TNDL.



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