“TNDL: One of the many reasons is, knowing where and who have and kept safe the true knowledge and understanding of the lord, yah. We must separate the true followers of El-Elyon, from the establishment of men or the world. The world of Babylon is not our friends, they are our enemies. They are the wise people of Cain, whose aim is to corrupt, pervert and destroy the people of GOD, Most High. Yeshua said clearly, ‘love not the world.’ If we love the world and the things thereof, then, the truth is not in us. So how can we, the end time followers of Christ, find the truth and know for sure that it is the truth and nothing but the truth? It is like finding a pin in a hay stock. One must have the magnet that can attract the pin. Would say reading the scriptures, which is good, which begs the question: do we know and understand the ancient Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek languages? Therefore, we need to find those teachers who do know and understand those ancient texts of the Hebrew scriptures. And also, the paraclete, the comforter, whom Yeshua prayed to his eternal heavenly to send to his true followers, which he said, the world of Babylon cannot receive. Gospel of john 14. After receiving the Holy Ghost — we must be filled with the Holy Spirit and be led, guided, taught, and be restrained by the Holy Spirit. In acts 2:28, we saw how the Holy Spirit manifested itself through the 12 apostles and the 120 priest of the Lord Yeshua, our Christ. So let us go the true source who has the full truth of the teachings of Yeshua, our Christ. We need nothing from the world, because the world is our enemy and not our friend. (TNDL)”



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